what planet is han solo from

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A History of Han Solo - Inside the Magic He was treated cruelly, and served Shrike for many years before escaping while in his teens. He continued to smuggle until he was brought back into the fight by a scavenger named Rey and a defected First Order stormtrooper named Finn, who carried with them a droid, BB-8, that had part of a map to Skywalker's location. Solo and the Partisans were able to return to the Falcon before it fell into the crater. When they arrived, Solo found his ship under attack along with the other racers.[65]. Solo at first refused, but decided it was worth the risk when Skywalker and Chewbacca assured him there would be a huge reward from the Rebel Alliance if she was rescued. What planet is Han Solo from? The first droid was located in Starfarer Restaurant on Kelada working as a waiter. [145], In the years after the end of the Galactic Civil War, Solo became the owner of a shipping company and developed a reputation for being a vigilant and responsible owner. [74], While in hyperspace, Starros mused Solo, amused that he had become a Rebel. Han Solo was also one of the few people to evade Boba Fett on multiple occasions. 'What is my role?' [170] Calrissian takes the Falcon to the moon's surface, and when Chewbacca is injured by pursuing TIE fighters, Solo mans the guns, firing blindly as Calrissian aims them at the shield generator. [181] Empire magazine deemed Solo the fourth greatest movie character of all time, citing him as full of charm and laconic cool that was brought by Harrison Ford. Solo landed the Falcon on a asteroid where the three TIE pilots boarded the ship and met Grakkus. Solo ordered the Partisans to barricade the bridge to prevent the Empire from stopping their plans. [173], Han Solo and Chewbacca appeared in the ambiguously canon scenario for Star Wars Miniatures, The Theft of Vader's Helmet, in which they infiltrate the Executor to steal Darth Vader's helmet sometimes during Admiral Piett's captaincy of the Executor.[174]. Skywalker only stays his lightsaber blade when the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi appears and tells him to go to Dagobah. A very short time later, the Dowutin and his cronies discovered that Solo was, in fact, playing a dishonest game, so Solo fled with Skywalker just behind—not wanting to discover if the Dowutin really was going to cut off their fingers and tongues for their dishonesty. Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, was a Corellian who fought for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Chewbacca was disappointed in Solo—he wanted to stay and fight. [139], George Lucas sporting a "Han shot first" t-shirt on the set of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The developers of the 2008 video game Prince of Persia cited both Solo and Indiana Jones as having inspired their nameless protagonist. [19], Ben Solo's fall to the dark side of the Force had a profound impact on Han and Leia. Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition Qi'ra suggested that Han shouldn't go alone, but both Proxima and Han disagreed with her. On one mission, Jom Barell was captured by Tolruck's forces and imprisoned at his island fortress. Soon, Leia made plans with Han to start a family. They were able to take Moff Hubi and switch him with Tunga. [41], Eventually, the pair came into the employment of the Outer Rim crime lord Jabba the Hutt, who was based on the desert planet Tatooine[43] and was the leader of the powerful Hutt Clan. After the guards killed Lee-Char, Solo and the others returned to the submarine to escape. She chided him on his rash behavior during the race. Han was able to make it through, but at that moment Qi'ra was spotted and the officer closed the doors. When Poe asked how they defeated the Empire with nothing, he replied that they won because they had each other. He is a follower of the Dark Side of The Force, but with no formal training as a Sith. As a result, the next morning, Solo and the other cadets were assigned to the Quasar Fire-class carrier cruiser 07200823 by Yurib. Han believed that he was summoned to help Antilles defeat the Blockade of Corellia but he was proven wrong once Dur Gejjen interfered. [147], Solo pleased to be back aboard the Falcon, Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, while transporting a cargo of three rathtars aboard the Eravana, Han and Chewie found the Falcon floating in space near the desert planet of Jakku, pulling his prized vessel in with a tractor beam. Organa takes command of her own rescue mission and orders Solo to jump into a garbage chute. He was saved by Nico, and the two of them went to get Lyttan and Tamu. See this article's talk page for more information. [104] In the mess hall, they met up with Wedge Antilles, "Hobbie" Klivian, and Zev Senesca. Unfortunately, they discovered that the king was on life-support and could not be moved. Blinded and covered in worms, Solo tried to rip them off of himself, but ended up colliding head-on with Aphra. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. As more of the mines attacked his ship, Solo noticed that they were ignoring the racers who had been knocked out. In the moment of calm, Solo tried to contact both Chewbacca and Threepio, but both failed to answer, leaving Solo to be very grateful when Skywalker assured him that he was heading towards the rendezvous. [17], They traveled to the planet of Lujo to visit Lando Calrissian and his family at on of their homes, where they stayed for a few weeks. [158], Shortly afterwards, while Poe was mourning Leia's death, he said that he wasn't ready to become the new leader of the Resistance. Still, Solo kept in regular contact with his wife. Unknown to the rebels, however, Boba Fett had also hidden his ship, the Slave I, among the Empire's trash, and followed them to Cloud City.[123]. He is a member of the Jedi Bendu and an old friend of General Skywalker. [77] Solo and the group fled the chaos back towards the Falcon, and Solo called Threepio to tell him to inform the princess that they had rescued Skywalker, no thanks to her. When they arrived on Rendel, they found the planet was smothered in thorns the size of Rancor teeth. Organa scolded him for making so much noise, and told him that he would have to take orders from her if they were going to survive the ordeal. Han thought if that was true his life would have turned out differently. The Imperial Lieutenant Alayus Bolandin decided to execute Solo by giving him to "the beast," the Wookiee Chewbacca, a prisoner of the Empire. As they later ate together, Han asked if he and Qi'ra were on their first date. Han Solo - Wikipedia Skywalker redeems Leia, and the Emperor begins casting Force lightning against them both before Vader turns on his master. [93] However, he saw Solo as a chess piece that could be moved around and even killed, as the character wasn't as important to Star Wars as its Force-using characters. Alarmed at the friendship between Ransolm Casterfo and Leia, Lady Carise shared this information with him, knowing Ransolm's hatred for Vader. that they were not afraid of them, before saying goodbye to Leighton and leaving the bar together. Here a female Imperial officer named Triosa Broog was speaking over them. What did hibernation sickness do to Han Solo? Soon, however, Chewbacca's nagging and Solo's conscience got the better of the smuggler, and he turned around and headed towards the Death Star, where the battle was raging—although he did so not for the Rebellion's cause, but to save his friend, Skywalker. [19], While Han was repairing the rear engines of a starship, he was contacted by his wife. Unable to understand the act of killing one's own father, Rey assumed that Ren hated his father, but the dark-side warrior insisted that he did not hate Solo, causing Rey to beseech him for an explanation. Solo was angered by this and ran into Vook's ship, temporarily disabling it. Both Jabba the Hutt and the Empire want him-dead or alive. He is on his way to Tatooine to deliver something very important to Jabba. You must reach him first. Your mission: to hunt down Han Solo before he gets away. He changed his mind and decided to complete the stage despite the danger. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! "[90] This incarnation of Solo's character went on to appear in the finished film. His goal was to become a skilled pilot and eventually return to Corellia to find Qi'ra. [8], En route to Takodana, Han reminisced about the Falcon, her corridors, fresh smell of thread grease, stale funk of the couch fabric. They began searching for the long-lost children of the Jedi. However, the criminals discovered his presence and locked him in a rubbish bin. With a repaired hyperdrive, Solo and his crew leave the planet to go to Dagobah. He identified with Namir, so he admitted that he was something like a mercenary, and hadn't joined the Rebellion because he believed in their cause. His thoughts were recorded in the Smuggler's Guide. Solo and Chewbacca attended a briefing for the Rebel pilots, including Skywalker, who were going to attack the station when it inevitably arrived. Han realized that Lieutenant Kalenda was right and aided in her escape. After the destruction of Shimrra and Onimi, Han and the others traveled with Nom Anor across the labyrinth the mighty war vessel of the Master Shaper. He survived the freezing process and fell into hibernation. Their troubles were not over, however: four Imperial TIE fighters were in pursuit.[7]. Solo was able to destroy the citadel and return to the Partisans' base. Chronological and political information After returning to the Alliance Fleet, Solo was promoted to the rank of general and was given command of the Pathfinders, a special forces squad, for the Battle of Endor. During this, cadet 404-913,[27] named Beilert Valance,[12] began to insult Han before cadet 803-308 told them to let him go. [18] Despite several setbacks, Han persisted with his mission. He was assigned to the terraforming project on Duro, and worked with Jacen and Jaina to try and maintain a small refugee habitat on the surface. Broog overheard Han. [78], Neither Wookiee gained the upper hand for some time, so Solo drew his DL-44 pistol to help his friend, but Krrsantan thwarted his attempt when he threw Chewbacca straight into the smuggler, knocking his blaster into the bounty hunter's grasp. Before Solo could warn Artoo of Skywalker's capture, Krrsantan, who had overpowered Chewbacca using a dishonorable tactic, grabbed Solo around the neck and began choking him. She described the history of the Dragon Void Run and how her grandmother had founded the race. Highlights of the Saga: Infiltrating Starkiller Base, Highlights of the Saga: Striking at the New Republic, Highlights of the Saga: The Hunt for Luke Skywalker, Databank A-Z: Sabe–The Separatist Council, "Big Game" TV Spot - Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, The Last Jedi: Rose Tico: Resistance Fighter, "190 Years Old" - Solo: A Star Wars Story, "Top-Lieutenant" - Solo: A Star Wars Story, Entertainment Weekly's The Ultimate Guide to Han Solo, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Solo Is" Reviews, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Scoundrels" Featurette, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Solo: A Star Wars Story Official Sticker Collection, Solo: A Star Wars Story Ultimate Sticker Collection, Solo: A Star Wars Story – The Official Collector's Edition, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual, Starfighter Aces: Luke Skywalker – Savior of the Rebel Alliance, Highlights of the Saga: Help from an Old Friend, Highlights of the Saga: Escaping Cloud City, The Rebellion | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, The Star Wars Timeline | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Galactic Guide, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger" Episode Guide, Han Solo In Carbonite Collectors Gallery Statue, Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian: Making of Season Two, Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: The Official Collector's Edition, Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Guide to Season One, Chewbacca and Other Aliens of the Rebellion and the Resistance, Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian: Making of the Season 2 Finale, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Starfighter Aces: Han Solo – Scrumrat to Fighter Pilot, Starfighter Aces: Han Solo – The Kessel Run, Starfighter Aces: Han Solo – Smuggler Captain, Starfighter Aces: Han Solo – Starship Racer, Starfighter Aces: Han Solo – From the Rebels to the Resistance, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Head-to-Head, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars Vol. Question 2 Han Solo Once Completed The Kessel Run In Less Than How Many Parsecs? She recruited her team, the tech Meorti, actor Tunga Arpagion, and the Partisans to pose as Queen Trios and disrupt the Spike. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. The Wookiees overthrew their rogue counterparts just as Chewbacca was able to overpower Vargi, throwing him to the ground. He once said he preferred to shoot first as opposed to shooting second, and used to his advantage on at least one occasion the fact that he was ambidextrous. [45], Solo and Chewbacca began repairing the Falcon, which was damaged in the escape, until they realized that the planet was inhabited by the crime lord Rekias Nodo. Grakkus had organized a gladiator fight between Skywalker and Kongo the Disembowler, a massive beast from the molten world of Mustafar. Solo and Skywalker led the TIE back to the cruiser. Solo took well to mounting and riding the unruly tauntauns and was sent on a reconnaissance mission in order to locate a ship that had gone missing a month before during a snow storm. However, his shuttle was yanked out of hyperspace by a Yevethan Immobilizer 418 cruiser and he was brought before the Yevethan Viceroy Nil Spaar on the Yevethan homeworld of N'zoth. Solo and Skywalker recovered themselves, and were met with the imposing figure of the Wookiee Black Krrsantan,[78] a bounty hunter working for Jabba, second only to Boba Fett..[60] Solo pleaded with Krrsantan that it wasn't the time to collect Jabba's bounty on him. [91][95][120], In the words of George Lucas, Solo is "a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good. 80 kilograms[6] Narrowly escaping the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Vehement by changing their ship's IFF transponder, the two landed in the city's capital, Motok, where they ran into a gang of bounty hunters determined to claim the reward Jabba had put on their heads. Solo called to the princess, pleading to her that Starros was not his wife. 67. Solo was initially beguiled, but soon discerned their true identities. Solo and the Rebel spy returned to the Falcon, only to discover the spy had a history with Chewbacca and wanted to settle an old debt. [21] Around the same time, Chewbacca hung Han's pair of chance cubes above the freighter's piloting console. Rey, Finn, and Chewbacca investigated and found a tracker near the active sensor pulse generator. Han Solo grew up on the planet Corellia. Varroa attempted to reassert the hive's control over him, but Solo called in Black Krrsantan. Organa playfully told Solo that he and his first mate had better get work. Han Solo and Leia Organa After a blaster shot knocked Lando, disguised as a palace guard, off the skiff they were on, Han lowered the axe for Lando to grab, but Calrissian's foot was caught by one of the sarlacc's tentacles. Due to the complicated nature of the repairs, Han remarked that he wished that Greer Sonnel, a former racer and Junior Sabers champion who was serving as Leia's pilot, was still on his team. In the early days after Endor, Solo continued to lead the Pathfinders against the Empire. Solo was soon left to himself and met up with Pjolan. [31], Following their departure from Savareen, Chewie and Solo paired up on various jobs, including one where they were riding a 74-Z speeder bike under fire and another where Solo was tied up. He was then confronted by Varroa and several of the Queen's guards. [33], Solo returned to Corellia for parts for the Millennium Falcon alongside Chewbacca. She told Solo she saw something greater than just a simple pilot in him, but Solo replied that he was just a good pilot and being a special person just caused trouble. Soon after, he tried to greet a cadet, who told Han to shut up. Though he won the Battle of Endor, Solo found himself in need of credits. Who plays Hans Solo in Mandalorian? Solo threatened to expose them if they didn't take him with them, but Beckett instead reported Solo to his superiors for insubordination.[10]. So You Think You Know Star Wars Trivia [10], Solo, Chewbacca, Qi'ra, Calrissian, and Beckett stole the unrefined coaxium from Kessel during a slave riot instigated by Calrissian's navigational droid, L3-37. [40] As a result, Starros came to believe that the only thing Solo was good for was lying, likening him to a "scoundrel. [101][102] Author Brian Daley wrote The Han Solo Adventures in 1979 and 1980, novels which told tales of Solo's life as a smuggler before he joined the Rebellion. Finally, during an attack by raiders on Onyx Squadron, Han disobeyed orders once more in order to save the life of Cadet Lyttan Dree. The laser bounced wildly around the compactor, nearly hitting the rebels. [7], Solo arrived in the docking and found Jabba himself, with several of his guards—including[7] Jabba's top bounty hunter Boba Fett—[21]looking for him near the Falcon. Despite assistance from the Ewoks, they were unable to defeat him. Shortly afterward, Lando returned with weapons and armed the Wookiees still loyal to the Alliance. Faitfully capturing hte galaxy-spanning action of The Force Awakens, join Rey, Finn, BB-8, Kylo Ren, and all your favorite characters, new and old, on the adventure of a lifetime! Han and Tamu were partners for this exercise. Another star wars adventure in which Hans gets hijacked, and his party has to contend with assassins and an army of robots. [93], Solo was taken to the queen's chamber, where one of the symbiotes stung him in the neck. Han Solo realizes the key to winning this part of the race. [54], In 12 ABY Han accompanied Luke to Tatooine where the Jedi Master had hoped to make contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi. He made it to third place on the leader board. Solo told Leia to get into one of the Falcon's turrets and destroy the bombers. He managed to free Chewbacca but was interrupted by Vargi. [134], In 2005, Solo placed #14 on the list of greatest film heroes composed by the American Film Institute. Han responded that it was the end of an era while Leia replied that it was the start of a new one. Solo caught up with Skywalker and Organa, who had also run into some trouble, and they prepared to board the Falcon, but several stormtroopers stood guard outside. After some time they are taken in the night to some kind of tribunal where they are told that all outsiders are . They reluctantly accepted, and Solo remained with Aloo. One proposal was to show Kylo stabbing Solo in front of the abyss just when he was getting his blaster from its holster, falling to his demise like in the finished version of the film. It was also said by the podcast duo t hat it was very bad quality and that they had nothing to do with it. Jakku 23) Luke Skywalker's self-imposed exile takes place on what planet? 10 Hotshot Facts About Han Solo. Soon, the Falcon emerged from hyperspace in the Alderaan system. The brutality of the battlefield shook the former cadet to his core, witnessing countless fellow soldiers senselessly die right before his eyes during the subjugation of a peaceful world. However, Kenobi raised Solo's bid to 17,000 credits: 2,000 in advance and 15,000 when they reached Alderaan. Solo was then sedated by Triple-Zero. [158], Solo met Qi'ra when they were scrumrats of the White Worms. It was this data slicer who revealed, much to Han's bewilderment and dismay, that the various Imperial Warlord fleets were unified and under the command of one Admiral Daala. Star Wars lingo quiz: Is the Force strong with you ... Solo and Leia stunned several of the guards. [167], On Dagobah, they come across Yoda, and Solo demands to be trained as a Jedi. Dryden accuses Han of giving him fake coaxium. Han also asked Pjolan about Qi'ra. [65], All three of his children were trained as Jedi at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum from 22 ABY, and Han and Chewbacca would often visit them with the Millennium Falcon. [141], Solo's likeness has been used in a variety of media, including the American television shows Mind of Mencia and Robot Chicken. Solo defended Leia and Skywalker's ship as they boarded the base to rescue Mothma and the other ambassadors. Jaina thought this to be a trick and killed him, horrified when she felt Jacen reaching out to Tenel Ka. Because Han and Leia had been telling Allana about how Han had acquired the Falon, she thought that they could track down all the people who had owned the ship, finding out what the mysterious component was along the way. Fortunately a deal struck: In exchange for a new home, the refugees will work to restore the planet to health under the watchful eye of Lei Organa Solo. Solo also informed his wife that he was supervising the lunar relays of the Five Sabers. However, they soon learned that the planet was home to the Dathomiri "Force witches" as well as Warlord Zsinj's hidden base of operations. Arriving on the planet, the group felt a sense of uneasiness about Rwookrrorro. planet Corellia. [165], In Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back, when Solo finds Skywalker in a Hoth snowstorm, Skywalker dies in his arms, having been attacked by an additional Wampa in the cave. However, Han shot Nandreeson in the mouth with Chewbacca's bowcaster, killing him and allowing Han, Lando and Chewbacca to escape. Skywalker tried to deflect the bolts again, and did, while unable to see. Han Solo being frozen in carbonite was not originally planned in the first Star Wars trilogy, but the event became one of Harrison Ford's defining moments in the franchise. Several months after the Battle of Endor, Han arrived at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana to rendezvous with an Imperial defector named Ralsius Paldora, who had stolen intelligence crucial to the liberation of Kashyyyk. Solo, Leia, and Benthic looked at the Leviathan and saw no explosive that could damage it. Solo entrusted the coaxium to Nest, who intended to use it to form a rebellion against the Empire. Although the infamous Death Star has been destroyed and a Rebel base established on the frozen planet of Hoth, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo again find themselves pursued by the evil Darth Vader.

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what planet is han solo from