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They are quite powerful in their own way, and yet are either unaware of this power or are overwhelmed by it. The second you get emotions involved, expect for them to shut you down immediately. If not, you will be insecure and that’s not cool. Nothing to see here. The way charm just seems to drip off of them, with every hair flick and radiant smile flashed you’re only human after all, even though you hate to admit it you can’t help but to fall for them. However your body is very much present going through the motions of social niceties for a brief moment you lock eyes with them, you recognise the look on their face, it mirrors yours. The 5th house: The house of dating, flings, flirtation and yet also children ,,,,, moving swiftly along, if you want to understand your dating style, and how one might approach the foreign concept of flirting, look here. The paternal relationship is usually the dominant one. Only knowing how to admire from a distance. They like tangible displays of success. Writer. 1st house: Serious look, strong build, stubborn, patient. They will not hesitate to instigate and manipulate if it means that others will take their side, and make them out to be the victim. Beauty is subjective friend, but astrology wise I can say.. •Venus in the 1st,5th,10th. What else can you say? Mars: What does one crave in a physical context? They work efficiently towards their clear cut goals. Sextile, trine, or quintile Sun: The native has a well-defined sense of self & remarkable inner security. In negative cases, they might have a lot of self-doubts about themselves, which can be annoying. Might be the type to throw pity parties for themselves. Their rebellious streak, crooked smirk and carefree attitude is awe worthy. Astrology: Moon Conjunct Pluto Aspect "Those with the Moon conjunct Pluto are deep feeling individuals whose emotions are so intense that others may be subject to their jealousy, secretive nature, and be drawn into their self-controlled personality.Many times the person involves themselves in magnetic attractions that are profoundly sexual and totally compelling, and they don't take them . They are idealists. Each aspect is worth 1 point. As they nurse your wounds they observe you stifle a pained wince, and they remind you gently that the war is over now, you can let your guard down. Their ego goes one way and their emotions in the opposite direction. It’s scary to put your work out there to be judged by the world, and y’all make it a lot easier. It is how we first nurture ourselves and how we then use our experiences to nurture others. Love; a concept, a feeling, an energy. She is much more attracted to Catherine Zeta-Jones, who I . Abundance of Earth/Water signs, especially Cancer and Capricorn. At an early age, the person is taken down into the underworld and exposed to the shadier sides of human life. Normally, people of 8 house use psychology to find the answer but some might use astrology too (because we all know how similar astrology and psychology are) Pluto in 1/8/12: Pluto is a planet of transformation and the house of your planet shows where you will be challenged the most and become the wisest at. You like that they always have a plan, you like that they’ve put so much thought into the details you forgot even existed. Sextiles and trines are usually the best for Sun-Moon aspects because it is an indication of a strong will, yet not too strong, and emotional resilience. Companion to Psychological Astrology. They are a heady concoction of an individual that embodies loyalty and devotion, who takes the time to prod beneath your surface and understand the essence of your being. ‍♀️Lots of energy, however they differ from the rest, as they have such sharp focus. these are called aspects. They like to discuss these with other people and engage in friendly debates. They thrive when in conflict with an oppressive force or structure & feed on all kinds of attention, positive or negative. I also would like to note that these are a . Short temper, however they don’t stay mad for long. You might get caught up in the taxing motions of trying to please everyone around you, constantly putting everyone else’s needs and opinions above your own. Just overall, you want a genuine person with the kindest eyes who you can call in the middle of the night when it all gets too much, so they can lull you back to sleep with soothing reassurance and solid advice. The trine and sextile means that the power flows naturally; there is a natural power about them and intensity, but they deal with it constructively. Possessive and jealous, if they feel as though someone is overstepping the clear boundaries they’ve made around their territory, they aren’t afraid to pounce. Basically, this is not an important aspect and when you want to learn the meaning you see the house/s they are in. You’ve never felt more connected. This aspect in my opinion is the epitome of easy energy flow and it is also one of my strong aspects. I'm Kate, but call me vg, vgperson, or vghime. One thing that can be said of those with Sun-Pluto contacts, especially the hard contacts, is that the individual seems to take pains to hide themselves. There is an intense self-awareness with these contacts. You are drawn to their stoic faces and freshly pressed button up shirts. In the Mansions of the Moon, author Christopher Warnock, a leading traditional astrologer and astrological magician, explains the origin and use of the Mansions, for electional and natal astrology as well as for the production of Mansion ... There will often have been very intense power struggles with him in youth, but this only serves to make the father-child relationship a very real and potent one. Sun- These people are usually very extroverted and very popular. Opposite to the 11th house placement, identity is based completely on introspection. Keep this in mind. Indicators of Wealth in Astrology. Yet for the first time in your life Aquarius, you’ve been proven wrong. Note: You might attract individuals who seem broken, you might even have broken bird syndrome, eager to “fix” your partner.

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