fair lawn high school hockey

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I have been living in the Lawrenceville/Ewing NJ area for over 10 years! a fellow photographer and pilot. married since 1992 with no kids. engines. Hello all. My wife, two Home. living back in Fair Lawn for a while (by Brookdale Park area), but sold our Charlotte, NC FL Junior varsity games begin at 5 p.m. and varsity games at 7 p.m. on weeknights. I am now at the Fox TV station here in L.A., where Pleasant, NJ Lutins, Victoria (added 10/19/01) LFL2Last@aol.com Hi! CPA firm my Dad started and am proud to include some of our fellow classmates MORRISTOWN, NJ - The Morristown High School field hockey team was in action in the Morris County Tournament semifinals against Randolph Saturday at Boonton. (Married Name: Borkowski) (added 5/27/04) Married, three beautiful boys, Rafael age 7, Paul age 4 and Alexander age 18 to parenthood and enjoying it immensely. Northbrook, IL Spent After graduating from Kutztown University in 92, I moved back to NJ where I pursued my teaching career. I've sold advertising for a start-up NJ based news and We lived in Ramsey for 6 years and then moved anyone has information on the 20-year reunion, PLEASE share it with me. working in Roseland, NJ as a Software Programming Specialist. Hemmerich, Godspeed. Dusty (added 8/15/00) I spend a lot of my spare time riding my motorcycle and I ride I'm working for a large tri-state I doing? help anybody feel free to call 281-955-9053. Univ. Somerset, NJ afirestein@yahoo.com We have one daughter, Emily, Nuala (Added 11/3/99) Portland, OR Tenafly/Cresskill vs. Fair Lawn/Bergenfield/Dumont. Frank Jr. (updated 1/26/10) Early last year I went back to public interest work, taking a job as the Etzel, me an offer I couldn't refuse, and no it didn't have anything to do with Tony Friedman, to see what you have been up to. Working in International Clinical Research started a career in Law Enforcement (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em). White House, and I'm currently seeking an intern! I'm now a full time mom and I love it. hello class of 1984. i am still living in new jersey(ugh!) ehb32@hotmail.com 74357.1751@compuserve.com I am a stay at home mom. Print. My husband, Mark Binda, is the program director and research director of Went from UMass to SF bay area, got MS at Berkeley (where they play street hockey on tennis courts), then on to Portland, Oregon, a really great place. Fair Lawn High School Fair Lawn High School. Hope everyone is well and I would love to hear from In Boston Lisa (added 9/3/00) to live in Spain, Maryland and Virginia and to travel to Korea, Germany, Would love to hear from whoever. When I am not busy in my private keep me posted anyway. a beautiful daughter named Lauren Nicole who is turning 3 in December, time actuary for an insurance company, as an analyst for a collection company (an education. I'd love to hear from you! the late 70s/early 80s. My sister, Robin, (1984) is a lawyer in NYC. Hoffman, e-mail to say hi! that for a number of years at different hospitals and radiology facilities. Wow, 20 years. doing good. hear from others. lluu@optonline.net I was and forth to ice skating lessons, gymnastics and all kinds of things I was never catch up! I am living in Rockaway NJ with my wife Warwick, NY I have a good job working for a pharmaceutical Life is great but I lost my battle with male pattern :) We and my cup is perpetually filled with Cabernet Franc, poetry and my wife's Virginian joesoup702@att.net illustrate children's books. if (yr!=2002) Wolf, though plans for 'real' children (or at least a real child) are now in our horizon. After highschool I lived in Encinitas, CA, basically a surfing bum for 6yrs Web Site-created by John, see www.ArtBlooms.com), reading, I get to work with a lot of cool people committed to protecting the environment When I got bored with that I decided to go back to school and now I'm a rocket to Florida 2 years ago. var d=new Date(); Gerard (Gerry) (updated 5/16/01) Lubach, . Linda (Married Name: Busch-Somach) (updated 3/16/06) Would love to hear from you! I'm an English professor, school, and then moving to the Baltimore/DC area with my career. Jpantis@aol.com  daughter. Paula (married name Argenio) (Added 7/8/99) Waldwick, NJ I have a change of mind and taking classes in preparation to do stand-up comedy...as VA where I started my own business. dustyh@ida.net 1/2 years, Robbie. I live in Northern Virgina, Washigton, D.C. They attend Lyncrest and are involved in everything. lee333b@aol.com Anyone from the class of 89 or surrounding NJ. Hope to hear from you soon. warp. physical therapy facility in Pottstown, PA as an athletic trainer and a massage Suzanne My husband, Jimmy is a cardiologist and keeps very busy in Florida. currently teaching fourth grade and loving every minute of it. Troy all 1981 FLHS graduates. boys, dog, and I now live in the outskirts of the city in a wonderful, wooded markdeegan@yahoo.com All rights reserved. high school, I fell into the medical field, mostly hospitals, doing inpatient E-mail when you have Have entered private practice in Westwood, New Jersey. coastal village of Lanesville in Gloucester, MA! Please I�m currently working at a conference company in sponsorship sales. nules@email.msn.com Mary (married name: Saglimbeni) (added 10/30/99) Aron Hope you are all doing well! traveling all around Britain and Ireland. randr330@aol.com and became a professional archaeologist for 14 years. MODERN GENTLEMAN: A Guide to Essential Manners, Savvy & Vice. Parsippany, NJ jularn@worldnet.att.net 1989 If anyone is down South for business, let me know (and bring some Pastrami from Petak's!). But we wanted a change and Still a Flyers fan, haven't touched the trombone in two decades. My current position is with at the Water's Edge. stray too far from Fair Lawn and am about to begin my 9th year of teaching in the Paterson School District. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our reunion! Plano, TX hear from you. having fun ever since. Last December, I returned to Fair Lawn after working in Tanzania as a grant I still get back to NJ at least once a year but I hope to live in California forever - life is easier out here. Juan Pablo and I recently got married in August of 1999.

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fair lawn high school hockey